:Base cchat.hlp>proc4 :Title Comic Chat Help 1 Overview=CCHAT_OVERVIEW>medium 1 Connecting to Comic Chat 2 Connecting to a chat room=CCHAT_CONN_SERV 2 Connecting to a favorite chat room=CCHAT_FAV_ROOM 2 Changing to a chat room on a different server=CCHAT_CHANGE_PLACE 2 Specifying the settings for a connection=cc_connecting 1 Using Comic Chat 2 Changing your settings=CCHAT_GEN_SETTINGS 2 Changing a character s expression=CCHAT_CHANGE_EXP 2 Choosing a background=CCHAT_DEF_BACK 2 Choosing a character=CCHAT_SPEC_CHAR 2 Customizing a chat room=CCHAT_ROOM_PROPS 2 Ignoring a character=CCHAT_IGNORE_CHAR 2 Modifying your personal information=CCHAT_MOD_PERS 2 Searching for a specific chat room=CCHAT_SEARCH_ROOM 2 Switching to a plain text connection=CCHAT_SWITCH_MODE 2 Reading chat files offline=CCHAT_WORK_OFFLINE 1 Tips and Tricks 2 Adding a chat room to your Favorites=CCHAT_ADD_FAV 2 Keyboard shortcuts=CCHAT_KEY_SHORT>big 2 Using character gestures=CCHAT_CHAR_GEST>big